Not much happened today. It was rather typical. I did let Laykin dye eggs and I got a really cute video of Paetyn laughing. Going to upload those. I can't wait for tomorrow! I really hope it goes as good as I imagine it going.
Ohhhh someone made me a Kind of Mom siggy. I LOVES it!!!
Friday, normal Friday. Although we did get Paetyn's easter dress (Girls having matching dresses now!) YAY!!! And we got the stuff to put in the eggs for Laykin's easter egg hunt on Sunday. :) Hopefully it doesn't rain. Today Paetyn was so adorable in her little hat and I think Laykin may be getting sick on me :( Also, I got pictures (blurryish though) of me and Paetyn taking a shower :) I LOVES them!!!! PICS !
I feel like a slacker!!! I need to start posting again like I was. It was nice to get everything out at the end of the day. Ok... so, yesterday we set up Laykins back yard area. We had to move all her toys and everything from the front yard not only because it was cluttering it up and making it not look too good but because the idiots that drive down our road will go about 50 (and it's a bumpy road). Yesterday Paetyn was teething SO badly!! She cried almost the entire day. I felt horrible for her. Poor baby just wanted to be held. She felt tons better today. Still cranky but I think she will be like that until those teethies pop through. Laykin was never this bad when teething. I love this picture of her in her walker outside. She's such a happy baby. :) Even if she didn't feel too great today (although much better than yesterday) she's still so happy. :) Beautiful. Ohh and I definently think she has her daddy's ears!! See Laykin's tomato plants? They are growing like CRAZY!!!! Do Tomatoes normally grow this fast? lol. We are going to have to replant them soon. They are already tons bigger than in this picture and itw as taken yesterday! Laykin loves being outside. Loves playing in her new area. I think she likes it more than being out front. That's AWESOME! It's so much safer in the back yard... I think that's about it. Sorry for the weird posting of pictures. I can't seem to get Blogger in draft to upload pictures and this one is not working right. :(
I'm guessing, if you are looking at this, I sent you here! Well, hope you enjoy your stay and maybe you'll learn a bit more about me and my girls! Leave us a comment!! We really appreciate them!
I am a single mother of two beautiful baby girls. I love taking pictures, playing with the girls, crafting of many sorts and writing. I am just a woman trying to make the best life for my children!