I haven't posted in a few days... SORRY! I'm not exactly sure what all I have missed on but I will try and remember it all. Lets see....
3.28.10 - We went and picked up Paetyns crib. We forgot a couple of pieces so I had to go up

yesterday and get the rest of it but now all we have to get is some bolts to finish putting it together. I actually really like the crib. I think it's pretty. and I'm not that much of a fan of older style cribs. :) I can't wait to get it set up and we can put all her toys on it and everything.

:) After picking up the crib me and the girls drove down to Longview and met my mom, brother, sister in law and her son. We all ate supper, then went to Wal-Mart (my mom screwed up and bought the kids each a toy! Now they are going to expect that each time she comes down), then my mom had to get back on the road (she's a truck driver) and so me and the girls went over to my brothers house. (He lives in Longview!) Then we drove home. We didn't get home until 230am! We were all POOPED!
3.29.10 - oOo this day was FUN!!! First thing, (well after morning nap for Paetyn) we went to pick up the r

est of the crib, then we got back into town and went to McDonalds for lunch. Everyone at the place loved my girls. They kept coming over talking to them, asking about them and then halfway through lunch the cashier lady comes over and says "Can she have Ice Cream?" She's holding a thing of some icecream. I'm like "ye

ah?" Trying to figure out when McDonalds started asking if you wanted things like this? Then she says, "She can have this then, it's a mess up so it would just go in the trash!" I was soo excited. I had been thinking about later getting her some icecream but this was like fate. It was awesome. I thanked her and gave Laykin the ice cream. Even gave Paetyn a few tastes. (I know even though I don't want to give her solids until 6 months, she can still get tastes). When we left McDonalds we went to Walmart to get some things because the girls' step-great-grandma gave them 10 bucks each. W

hen we got there, I picked up Laykins easter dress and some ribbon to make her hairbow and was going to get Paetyns easter dress but it was over 10 bucks so it had to wait. So we walked around the place trying to figure out what to get Paetyn with her 10 bucks when it hit me. Ears Pierced!! And that's exactly what we did. We pierced her ears! She was not happy as I'm sure none of us thoug

ht she would be. To top it off she was SUPER tired anyway so that just made it worse. We then went to the park and let Laykin play and Paetyn was still cranky but nothing like she had been in. The park was overrun with kids and Laykin really couldn't play so we didn't stay too long but the girls got to swing. They BOTH looveeedd it. Even Paetyn in her crankyness! When we got home the girls napped and then we played outside. That was our Monday!3.30.10 - As for today! It was all about taking pictures. I wanted to get some good eastery or spring pictures of the girls. First session... Paetyn was not having it. I realized later in the day that she was teething REALLY bad today and had a slight fever all day. (I thought it was just from being hot outside.) I did get a few cute ones of Laykin though. Then we came home and both of the girls got LONG naps. After Laykin woke up we went outside just the two of us (I had the baby monitor with me) and I cleaned my car out and got a few really cute pictures of Laykin . Then Paetyn woke up so I came in and got her dressed and we went out and got a few REALLY cute pictures of her. She was in a much better mood this time. :) YAY!
Heres the pictures.


I think that's about it. I think I'm all caught up now.