Tuesday, March 30, 2010

So I've been slacking...

I haven't posted in a few days... SORRY! I'm not exactly sure what all I have missed on but I will try and remember it all. Lets see....

3.28.10 - We went and picked up Paetyns crib. We forgot a couple of pieces so I had to go up yesterday and get the rest of it but now all we have to get is some bolts to finish putting it together. I actually really like the crib. I think it's pretty. and I'm not that much of a fan of older style cribs. :) I can't wait to get it set up and we can put all her toys on it and everything. :) After picking up the crib me and the girls drove down to Longview and met my mom, brother, sister in law and her son. We all ate supper, then went to Wal-Mart (my mom screwed up and bought the kids each a toy! Now they are going to expect that each time she comes down), then my mom had to get back on the road (she's a truck driver) and so me and the girls went over to my brothers house. (He lives in Longview!) Then we drove home. We didn't get home until 230am! We were all POOPED!
3.29.10 - oOo this day was FUN!!! First thing, (well after morning nap for Paetyn) we went to pick up the rest of the crib, then we got back into town and went to McDonalds for lunch. Everyone at the place loved my girls. They kept coming over talking to them, asking about them and then halfway through lunch the cashier lady comes over and says "Can she have Ice Cream?" She's holding a thing of some icecream. I'm like "yeah?" Trying to figure out when McDonalds started asking if you wanted things like this? Then she says, "She can have this then, it's a mess up so it would just go in the trash!" I was soo excited. I had been thinking about later getting her some icecream but this was like fate. It was awesome. I thanked her and gave Laykin the ice cream. Even gave Paetyn a few tastes. (I know even though I don't want to give her solids until 6 months, she can still get tastes). When we left McDonalds we went to Walmart to get some things because the girls' step-great-grandma gave them 10 bucks each. When we got there, I picked up Laykins easter dress and some ribbon to make her hairbow and was going to get Paetyns easter dress but it was over 10 bucks so it had to wait. So we walked around the place trying to figure out what to get Paetyn with her 10 bucks when it hit me. Ears Pierced!! And that's exactly what we did. We pierced her ears! She was not happy as I'm sure none of us thought she would be. To top it off she was SUPER tired anyway so that just made it worse. We then went to the park and let Laykin play and Paetyn was still cranky but nothing like she had been in. The park was overrun with kids and Laykin really couldn't play so we didn't stay too long but the girls got to swing. They BOTH looveeedd it. Even Paetyn in her crankyness! When we got home the girls napped and then we played outside. That was our Monday!3.30.10 - As for today! It was all about taking pictures. I wanted to get some good eastery or spring pictures of the girls. First session... Paetyn was not having it. I realized later in the day that she was teething REALLY bad today and had a slight fever all day. (I thought it was just from being hot outside.) I did get a few cute ones of Laykin though. Then we came home and both of the girls got LONG naps. After Laykin woke up we went outside just the two of us (I had the baby monitor with me) and I cleaned my car out and got a few really cute pictures of Laykin . Then Paetyn woke up so I came in and got her dressed and we went out and got a few REALLY cute pictures of her. She was in a much better mood this time. :) YAY!

Heres the pictures.
(Paetyn) (Laykin)
I think that's about it. I think I'm all caught up now.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


So today started out normal. Thought it was just going to be any other Saturday. Well, I knew I didn't want to sit in the house all day long so I looked online at the Texarkana Gazette and I found that there was a garage sale down the road with hairbows and stuff so I packed the girls up and we went. ( I had a bit of money) When we got there most of the hairbows were gone. The only ones left were small and we didn't have anything to match them but I did pick up a crotchet hat for Paetyn. Boy does she look adorable in it!! However it is a little tight on her.

Then we were going to go to the park and halfway there Danny's sister Patience texted me and asked if I was home and of course I wasn't. I told her that I would meet her at their grandparents house if she wanted to and she did. Well, I wanted to go by and pick the girls pictures up before I went over there so I could go ahead and give them their pictures and so I did that. When we got over to Mary and Donald (the grandparents) the girls had 2 baskets each full of easter stuff waiting. Both full of chocolate, suckers, and one stuffed animal in each of them. Seriously who gives a 3 month old suckers and chocolate?!

Well, as we walked up to the table where the baskets were, Patience hands me this camera and says "It works great only thing is occasionally the shutter gets stuck and you have to push it back with your finger.  Now while I'm gone this summer you can take pictures of the girls and send them to me!" I look at this camera and I'm in shock! Seriously? Did she just give me a camera?! My ex's sister just gave me a camera! Well I didn't want to be too excited... well to show that I was so I just sat down with the camera on top of Paetyns blanket and we enjoyed the weather and Laykin enjoyed a few suckers! (EEK!) When we got inside (about an hour later) I discreetly checked the camera out a bit. It's a Kodak Easyshare z1285 and it's 12 (!!!) megapixels! Just like the one I was planning on buying! Whoo-Hoo!!
When we got home I immediantly put batteries and an SD card in the camera and started trying it out! It is so awesome!  I LOVES it!!!!! Well, heres some pictures

This thing also takes some dang good video if I do say so myself. It's High Def.!!! Lookie here at my big ol' messy girl!

Alright. Well, I think I am going to go enjoy my wonderful new camera some more. :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

I hate being Sick!

This weather is driving me insane. Me and the little one are sick! :( Sucks because I can't exactly give her medicene that would actually help. She's so fussy! Well, today was our official errands day so I didn't really get many pictures. Also because we all feel HORRIBLE! Well all of us except Laykin. She seems like she's normal. :) That's a good thing! Umm... Lets see.. did anything new happen today? Well, I did find out that my mom will be in town (well, in Longview) on Sunday and we are going to pick up Paetyn's crib on Sunday. Thank God for Freecycle! I just hope the crib is in halfway decent condition so she will use it. I'm so scared that she's going to roll out of her co-sleeper now that she's getting bigger. Very happy that she's sleeping in her bed though. Although she still sleeps with me at night. I have no problem with that. I love it! Co-sleeping is the best. Even if the Pedi's don't think so. Well, PICS!

You can look at Paetyn and tell she doesn't feel good. :(
Ohhh!!! Laykin sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to Paetyn just a bit ago. I got a VID!!!

God I love these two beautiful babies!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cake and 2 babies in the bathtub

The morning and afternoon of today was a typical errand day (even though it's Thursday!), but after supper, as I was puting the dishes in the dishwasher I looked at my big 2 year old and said "You wanna make a cake!?" It just kind of came to me. Like all of a sudden I wanted to bake a cake with my baby girl. So that's exactly what we did. I have to say, it is fun making a cake with a year old but I think it will be more fun when she gets a big older. I want to make cookies with her. I think that would be even more fun. She was really good at making the cake too. She did everything (except cracking the eggs.). She poured the cake mix in all by herself, poured the water all by herself, put the eggs in with a little bit of help, and poured the oil in. She smiled almost the whole time. Even if it is fattening I think we are going to start doing this more often. It was so much fun!!! Paetyn was watching the whole time. (Didn't cry for attention either!) Of course, like any child, eating the mix after we made the cake and put it in oven, was her favorite part. She got it all over herself. :) Perfectly fine with me though! I know I shouldn't have but I even gave Paetyn a few little tastes. She didn't know what to think. It was cute though!

We went to town earlier today (obviously for errands) but I stopped in Hobby Lobby again. I think that place should be my weakness. I mean they have SO much awesome stuff. Anyways, I bought Paetyn a new headband and hairbow. :) I LOVE it. Next time I am going to get a crotchet hat. They are so adorable and Paetyn looks great in them. :) I think I am going to start making the hairbows if Danny actually pays child support. It would save money maybe and then I could even make matching ones for both girls. And I could match them to my favorite clothes and they would probably end up with so much more hairbows than if I just buy them (I mean theres only so many already made hairbows out there).

Now for the most fun part of the day. In my opinion anyway. I put Paetyn in the bath with Laykin today for the first time. :) It was so cute. They both LOVED it. :) They splashed and splashed and splashed. Well Laykin splashed and Paetyn kicked and watched. She didn't really smile (Paetyn) I think she was still trying to sink everything in. She's never gotten to sit up in the bathtub, well other than when she took a bath with me. Laykin loved having Paetyn in the bathtub with her. I know we definently will have to do this again, but not any time soon. Paetyn isn't quite big enough for this to be a normal thing. Maybe every now and again until she can sit up and then it might be everynight. I can't believe how big my baby girl is getting. How big they both are getting. It's amazing. :) I love them so much. I am so proud of them, so amazed by them. I love being their mom. Thank you God for bringing these beautiful girls into my life. For granting me the pleasure of being their mother. Thank you!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I really have to stop putting these posts off until the next day. I remember that last night there was alot that I wanted to write about but I can't remember what! UGH!!!

Took the girls to the park today! Had so much fun. Laykin got to see the duckies and Paetyn just likes being outside. :) PICS!!!!

So... that's all I can think that happened yesterday. :( Maybe more will come to me later.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Now I could get used to this!

Today felt like a pretty darn good day. (Even though we didn't have water all day because my dog busted a pipe!) The morning was normal, woke up, (found out about the pipe) did our reading time and the girls went down for a naps. When they woke up I put Paetyn in the wrap and the three of us went out for a walk! When we got to the ponies up the road the baby pony actually came up to the fence and tried to play with us!!! :) Laykin wanted so badly to pet him. The walk was so refreshing. Laykin got to run with Baye (our dog) and Paetyn just chilled in the wrap and she even tried talking to the Pony. It was so adorable!!!! When we got home Laykin played in the yard and I put Paetyn in the swing. She was so tired, she almost fell asleep. Then my dad came home and started working on the broken pipe/faucet. He had to go to Lowes to get the stuff to fix it so I told him we wanted to ride along. (Just to get out of the house you know?!) When we got there I told him I wanted to look at flowers because Laykin has started showing interest in planting things and I wanted to look at what would be a good plan for her to start out with. Well, we got the parts we needed, and we walked outside and looked at all the flowers. Wow were they gorgeous! I think my favorite flower is still a weed... I love Dandelions (sp?)!! Well, just as we were walking to the cashier I saw a My first Garden Elmo thing. It was Cherry Tomatoes. Dad said we could get it so we did. :) I was stoked!! So when we got home, after dad fixed the pipe, we planted Laykins Cherry Tomatoes!! :) PICS!!!!
My big girl was so proud of her plants!! I can't believe she's gotten that big. She is planting plants everyone!! WOW!! Wasn't she just learning to hold her head up? That definently wasn't the biggest accomplishment in my opinion of today!! My princess counted to six all by herself today!! I mean may not be like a big thing but for the longest time, she would skip number four and today twice she counted to six! I actually got a video of it too!

EEK! She's so big!! Well, I think that's about it. Ti'll tomorow!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Today started off being sooo good!!! I finally felt better, the girls were in good moods and then the dryer decided to QUIT and things went downhill from there. My camera has started taking dark pictures and then Laykin got into a HORRIBLE mood!!! UGH!!!! I Love her so much but I hate her moods. lol.


Yea since it pissed me off I didn't take many pictures today.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pictures from 3.19.10 - 3.21.10

These first ones are the ones that we got taken at Sears. Friday 3.19.10

Sunday 3.21.10

Saturday 3.20.10

Friday 3.19.10