Today felt like a pretty darn good day. (Even though we didn't have water all day because my dog busted a pipe!) The morning was normal, woke up, (found out about the pipe) did our reading
time and the girls went down for a naps. When they woke up I put Paetyn in the wrap and the three of us went out for a walk! When we got to the ponies up the road the baby pony actually came up to the fence and tried to play with us!!! :) Laykin wanted so badly to pet him. The walk was so refreshing. Laykin got to run with Baye (our
dog) and Paetyn just chilled in the wrap and she even tried talking to the Pony. It was so adorable!!!! When we got home Laykin played in the yard and I put Paetyn in the swing. She was so tired, she almost fell asleep. Then my dad came home and started working on the broken pipe/faucet. He had to go to Lowes to get the stuff to fix it so I told him we wanted to ride along. (Just to get out of the house you know?!) When we got there I told him I wanted to look at flowers because Laykin has started showing interest in planting things and I wanted to look at what would be a good plan for her to start out with. Well, we got the parts we needed, and we walked outside and looked at all the flowers. Wow were they gorgeous! I think my favorite flower is still a weed... I love Dandelions (sp?)!! Well, just as we were walking to the cashier I saw a My first Garden Elmo thing. It was Cherry Tomatoes. Dad said we could get it so we did. :) I was stoked!! So when we got home, after dad fixed the pipe, we planted Laykins Cherry Tomatoes!! :) PICS!!!!
My big girl was so proud of her plants!! I can't believe she's gotten that big. She is planting plants everyone!! WOW!! Wasn't she just learning to hold her head up? That definently wasn't the biggest accomplishment in my opinion of today!! My princess counted to six all by herself today!! I mean may not be like a big thing but for the longest time, she would skip number four and today twice she counted to six! I actually got a video of it too!
EEK! She's so big!! Well, I think that's about it. Ti'll tomorow!!
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